Matt DeStefano





Matt DeStefano

Matt DeStefano

Doctor of Physical Therapy

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Contact Info

The best way to contact me is to use the form on the contact page or by scheduling a session with me using Calendly.

Matt DeStefano

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Dr. Matt is more than a DPT. He has a breadth of life experience that allows him to connect with his patients on a deeper level. No one gets through life without hardship. Dr. Matt has dealt with his fair share of depression over his lifetime, and these experiences have helped shape him into the warrior he is today. He deeply understands the human element when aiding his patients and clients, and he is always more than willing to offer any additional emotional and mental support necessary to overcome your hurdles. Dr. Matt spends a lot of his spare time reading and researching about mindset training, and he always applies these concepts to his sessions with clients whether they be rehab, prehab, training, etc.  Stay tuned to his blog to read more about these concepts and how they might help you in your daily life.

A note from Dr. Matt:

“At the end of the day, I want anyone that I work with to understand that there is always more than the physical element to recovery. Not only recovery, but also when pushing through barriers and trying to exceed our current limits. The mind is a wonderful tool, but it often times gets in the way. Trust me. I know. That’s why I would like to tune people into their bodies at a deeper level, and understand that there is an enormous amount of potential in each and every one of us. To unlock our true potential, we need to get out of our minds, and into our bodies. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I feel that this is the strong suit of my profession. Let’s work together to see you unlock your potential, both physical and mental.”

Much Love,

Dr. Matt

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